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Disparo Certeiro

🇧🇷Disparo Certeiro

꼼짝 마 움직이면 선다 / 꼼짝 마, 움직이면 선다! / Shoot My Shot / Freeze, It Will Stand If You Move! / Don't Move, It Will be Hard If You Move! / ¡De pie, No te muevas!
Soohyeol / Solanine / Hyangseol
Capítulo 01
Daytime Star

🇵🇱Daytime Star

Horario estelar / Naj-e Tteuneun Byeol / Star Rising / Star's Rise Day / Starlight (Chae-eun) / The Star that Rises in the Day / Ánh Sao Ban Ngày (Chae-eun) / เธอคือดาวกลางใจ / 昼間に輝く星 / 白昼之星 / 白晝之星 / 낮에 뜨는 별
Chae-eun / Godago