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Makamisama no Iutoori!
As Makami-sama says! / 就像真神大人说的一样 / 真神說了算 / 真神様の言うとおり! / Dangereuse Attraction / Magami-sama no Iu Toori! / Makami-sama no Iutoori! / Makami-sama'nın Dediği Gibi!
shigematsu takako
Hot Guys Have Something Special
They are Something Special / There's something special about them
hwang mi-ri
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,School Life
Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san
Inugami-san and Nekoyama-san / 犬神さんと猫山さん / alt Inu&Neko
Yuri(GL),Comedy,School Life
🇦🇪Metalica Metaluca
メタリカ·メタルカ / 金属猎人(MIZUNO Teruaki) / Metallica Metalluca
mizuno teruaki
He is a High School Girl
Él Es una Chica de Preparatoria
baek young-min
Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,Drama,Gender Bender,School Life
🇮🇹Mikami Sensei no Aishikata
三神先生の愛し方 / Mikami-sensei no Aishikata / Mikami-sensei no Itoshikata
aikawa hiro
Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka 4koma - Days of Goddess
Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka 4-koma - Kami-sama no Nichijou
takamura masaya / oomori fujino
Mikami Sensei no Aishikata
三神先生の愛し方 / Mikami-sensei no Aishikata / Mikami-sensei no Itoshikata
aikawa hiro
🇫🇷He is a High School Girl
Él Es una Chica de Preparatoria
baek young-min
Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,Drama,Gender Bender,School Life
🇹🇷Ah! My Goddess
Aa! Megami-sama / Oh! My Goddess
fujishima kosuke
Seinen(M),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life,Supernatural
He's Dedicated to Roses
He Dedicated to Roses / Roses Tribute to Him / The Roses Offered to that Scoundrel
hwang mi-ri
Shoujo(G),Action,Comedy,Drama,Gender Bender,Romance,School Life
Omamori no Kamisama
おまもりのかみさま / Omamori no Kami-sama
kosugi mayu
도레미파솔라시도 / Do Ré Mi Fa Sol La Si Do - Solfège / Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-Ra-Si-Do
gui yeoni / lee kyung ha
Josei(W),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life
President Dad
소녀교육헌장 / Ami - Queen of Hearts / Girls Educational Charter / La Fille du Président / Ami-Presidentens datter (Norwegian)
rhim ju yeon
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life
Shinigami-sama ni Saigo no Onegai wo
The Final Wishes Granted by a Grim Reaper / Shinigami-sama ni Saigo no Onegai wo / Shinigamisama ni Saigo no Onegai wo
Miunohri to Swan
An Ugly Duckling Turns Into a Swan / Cô Nàng Xinh Đẹp / 미운오리 백조되기 / Ugly Duckling to Swan
hwang mi-ri
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Romance,School Life,Supernatural
MiXiM 11
ミクシム・イレブン / 银河系传承MIXIM11 / MiXiM 12 / MiXiM11 / MiXiM12 / MIXiM★11 / MIXIM★12 / MiXiM♀12
anzai nobuyuki
Itsuka Kimitachi mo Otona ni Naru
いつか君たちも大人になる / 你们迟早也会长大 / Itsuka Kimi-tachi mo Otona ni Naru / Someday You'll Grow Up
fujio ai
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
Inugami-san to Sarutobi-kun wa Naka ga Warui.
A dog and monkey relationship. / Inugami-san and Sarutobi-kun Have a Bad Relationship / Inugami-san to Sarutobi-kun wa Naka ga Warui
tachibana roku
Seinen(M),School Life
Ajin-chan wa Kataritai
亚人酱有话要说 / 亜人ちゃんは語りたい / Ajin-chan (Demi-chan) wa Kataritai / Demi-chan wa Kataritai / I Want to Talk About Demi-chan
Seinen(M),Comedy,School Life
🇪🇸Advent of Snow White of the Hell
Advent into Hell / Advent of Snow White Hell / Advent of Snow White to Hell / Địa Ngục Tuyết Trắng / 백설지옥강림 / Snow Coming Down to Hell
hwang mi-ri
🇮🇹Asami-sensei no Himitsu
Asami's secret / El secreto de Asami-sensei / Il segreto di Asami-sensei / 浅見先生の秘密
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,School Life
🇦🇪Hal (AYASE Umi)
ハル (綾瀬羽美) / Haru / هال / 春HAL
ayase umi
Miunohri to Swan
미운오리 백조되기 / An Ugly Duckling Turns into a Swan / Cô nàng xinh đẹp / البطة القبيحة تتحول إلى بجعة (arabic) / De Patito Feo a Cisne (spanish)
hwang mi-ri / hwang mi ri
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Romance,School Life
🇹🇷Hal (AYASE Umi)
ハル (綾瀬羽美) / Haru / هال / 春HAL
ayase umi
🇪🇸Legend Of Nereid
네레이드의 전설 / Legend of the Nereid / Nữ Hoàng Biển Cả / 海妖精传说 / 海妖精傳說
hwang mi-ri